Colour Space;


RGB stands for the three colours that makes up this colourspace: red, green and blue. Additive Colour once mixed red, green and blue together you get white and other chosen colours. It is used on monitors and television.

If we combine RGB we get white so how do we get black? Well we have to take the colours away in that absence to get black, within the RGB colour space.

This image i created is RGB the three main colours that when mixed together makes white. I created this using 3ds Max we used plain shapes and lights to create this. When we was choosing the colours for each light we had to put it to the colour e.g. Blue 255 and the other two colours 0 because if we dont it wont be clear blue or red or green. It goes 0 -255 not 1-256 because 2 to the power of 8 equal’s 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 =256. As you can see mine is not perfect because each light is not the same size.




A comparison of RGB and CMYK color models. This image demonstrates the difference between how colours will look on a computer monitor (RGB) compared to how they will reduce in a CMYK print process.

On the computer the colours are a lot clearer in RGB on the desktop.

If i was to print this image in CMYK (basically an ink jet printer) then these two sides should usually look a lot more similar, because the combination of cyan, yellow, magenta and black cannot reproduce the range (gamut) of color that a computer monitor displays.

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