Applications of 3D

3D Model

3D Model is when you create an object but make it 3 dimensial so that it comes to life looks real. This is mostly used in games so that they can create character, it is also used in Tv,Film and in mostly everything because 3d has become so advance that it is used in everyday life like if you think of it, what isnt made by it??

3DS Max is one of the best 3d modeling software as it is used in films and games alot.

This is a tiger created in 3D so this is the basic structure and outline of the tiger so that the person is getting a rough idea of the animal. This tiger took 684 triangles to make it the right lenght, width and height which are the 3 D’s in 3D.

People pay to buy 3d models like this as they are hard to make and many game companys want 3d models in there game.


3D is used alot in games because all new games are made in 3d because of how advance technology is unless the game is specific for 2D which not alot are. But they are mostly needed for making charcters and how they move due to the 3d modeling engine. 3D is alot different to 2D because it has views from all round.

As you can see in the image you can see round the players and see the stadium not just a look right at it view it also has a top down view. The HD graphics are great as it is much clearer to see the 3d and has great graphic support.

3D Modeling is alot harder as you have to create it then put it into pre-production so it takes a long to create it then get it to work.


Film has 3D used a lot know because of how advance the technology is and what software they use in films shows how much it has improved other the years. Such as 3D has been known for mostly in films by Avatar which was the fisrt film to use the new kind of which we use today and this was one of the biggest selling films as it got one of the biggest box-office sales ever as it was in3D.

 This was one of the first new films of the new generation of 3D it was an amazing had taken advantage of being one of the first because it is one of the best films because of the 3D used as the colours used in this film are so mind blowing and realistic it make s me feel as if i was actually there watching them on top of some massive flying animal.

It took James Cameron and his crew 8 years to make this film which is the longest time took on a film to be created. It took them atleast 9 months just editing it.









3D is also used for creating the blueprints of houses, hotels mostly all buldings so they can get the structure of it.  

As you can see this is a basic sketch of what some people would want in there noy yet blue prints as they are not as detailed as blue prints, however they could be so.

This is the houle house on this Blueprint It looks small as there is only one bedroom but this could be the ground floor and they decided to have a bedroom on it so it is quite a big house.

In this next image it will show a house being built in 3D software. The software that we use is called 3DS Max which is one of the most popular ones and cost over £3000 so it should be worth the money.

This is the floor plans for a house created in a a 3D Software.

The detail of this is so in depth as the windows have a shadow to them, the couches look realistic and dining table is the correct place.

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