Cartesian Co-ordinates



The word Cartesian named after a particular person and this person Rene Descartes “I think, therefore i am” is his favourite quote. He is a 17th century philosopher and he started something off which is carried on know. He was a mathmatian as-well.

Used to pinpoint where you are on a map or on a graph. With this you can determine how far an object has moved or how far up it has gone in the 17th century.

The image to the right shows the four points are marked and labeled with their coordinates: (2, 3) in green, (−3, 1) in red, (−1.5, −2.5) in blue, and the origin (0, 0) in purple.


There are two axis X-axis and a Y-axis are involed X-axis=horizontal and the Y-axis=vertical. The X-axis always comes first and the Y-axis to follow.

We measure from a O point whcih is called an Origin.

This system is used in 3DS Max when we posistion an object about. In 3ds Max Origin means centre of the space. This is where X and Y axis intersect.

Horozontal axis comes first and the vertical direction comes second. (X,Y)

Four Quadrants: Say if typed in the co-ordinate (5,8) which is in the positive, quadrant is numbered in counter clock wise.

The first quadrant is when X and Y both have positive numbers

Second Quadrant is when there is a Negative on the X-axis and a Positive on the Y-axis.

In the third quadrant we would have Double negative.

The fourth we would have Positive X and Negative Y.

The Third Dimension: This is the Z axis which help us create 3-D in space. 3-Dimensional cartiseian coordinate system, early in the 19th century, the third dimension of measurament was eadded. This axis is called the depth axis.

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