Geometric Theory


A vertex is a point in 3d space used to define an edge or a curve.

Vertices are A shape with 4 corners many of this corners has a letter next to each of the four corners. E.g. Name the vertices of a square, You would name the letters on the four corners.

In geometry, a vertex is a special kind of point that describes the corners intersections of geometric shapes. Vertices are commonly used in  computer graphics to define the corners of surfaces usually triangles in 3D models, where each such point is given as a vector.


Polygons are 2-dimensional shapes and a  polygon is  a plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles, and usually has five or more. In geometry a polygon is usually known as a plane figure, that is bounded by a closed path or circuit composed of a finite sequence of straight line segments.

In computer graphics the term Polygon has an different kind of meaning, more related to the way the shape is stored and manipulated within the computer.

Polygons are named for the number of sides they have. For instance, octa is the prefix used for the number 8, so a figure with eight sides is called an octagon. That’s an important one to remember when driving because it’s the shape of a stop sign!


A face is known as the three vertices that could be used in a polygon. Sometimes it uses a polygon. Is not a polygon in 3DS Max but in 3DS Max it has ti be 4 or more edges together to be a polygon.


A mesh is a group or lots of polygons. It is  is a collection of vertices, edges and faces that defines the shape of a polyhedral object in 3d computer graphics and solid modelling.

Here are some elements of mesh modelling:

The basic object used in mesh modeling is a vertex, a point in three dimensional space. Two vertices connected by a straight line become an edge.

 Three vertices, connected to the each other by three edges


In geometry, edges are 1-dimensional.

l line segment joining two adjacent zero dimensions vertices in a polygon. Connection between two vertices.

Edges are the intersection of faces in a three dimensional figure, for example a cube has 12 edges.
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